A few days ago Ice Bitch and Organ Donor had me add some admin skins to Gun Game. I put up the two old NU admin skins that we used to have on Death Match -- the Dark Leet and the Umbrella GIGN -- on the server, then a day later I put up a Canadian NU urban skin that I had made as well. But now we have two more which will round out the admin skin list for good, but with a twist...

The new ones were made by drink_it_in.

Drink is now the second person from our community to make custom server-side player skins, and they kick some ass if I say so myself.

Okay here's the first:

As you can see, it's a desert camo leet with body armour. He will go well with the dust maps and the paintball map where there's sand everywhere.

Here's the other:

This is a dark-camo sniper. Check out the badges he has on his arms, and the text on the helmet. I might take down the GIGN to save download time for this skin here because they're both dark themed, but the GIGN which was originally made for ZM has Umbrella Corporation badges on it, which don't really make sense on a Gun Game server. It's up to Organ and Ice tho.

So yea, kudos to drink for doing this for the servers. I hope to see more from him in the future.

The Umbrella GIGN has been removed. It's now just desert leet & black leet + dark urban and Canadian urban.