Quote Originally Posted by 2.random View Post
johnny i know the rules. and i also know his ass had no rite to mute and gage that is the whole reason why i went around the miss placed punishment. you get it?

admin abuse = i go around it to find out his deal.

still abuse = i got to forums and post and hope you guys look at the main point and thats him doing stupid shit and abusing his admin!
p.s. get it!?
Ohh.. thats the wrong answer... The correct response was:

admin abuse = act like a man and try to resolve the problem without trying to escalate the situation or "show the admin what's up"

On a more serious note,

I feel for you in this situation and I think that by all accounts you may (I stress may) have been treated unfairly. (I personally don't like the way that a NU Admin would call someone a baby and reference spanking and punishment about 5 times to a reg in public forums isn't very responsible). That being said, if you come and handle the matter in a respectful way, you will go much farther. What you are doing here is putting the admins (and other dedicated members of the community) immediately on the defensive by acting "aggressive".

The owners of NU are extremely fair in the way in which they deal with people that think there is a problem so I would try to sit back and at least let a Jr. Owner / Owner comment on it before getting into the back and forth stuff.

Just a suggestion from an innocent bystander. Also, while I know that NU won't tolerate admin abuse, there is a rule that "Admin's have the final say". What that means is that you need to submit to the admin decision in game, even if you feel it is "incorrect". Then, try to talk to that admin on the side and work it out and/or bring it up the food chain to a Jr. Owner or Owner if you feel you are being mistreated. They WILL handle it in due time, but just relax and let them look at the situation and then make a decision so that you don't offend other people and cause the issue to get even bigger.

Realizing it's not my business so take it for what it is worth.