On Slave machine:
Run netcat command first on slave linux box (that to be cloned and booted using Linux boot CDROM as 'linux rescue' (See also Shell script case [1] in automation section below). Once ethernet card has been detected. (Use ifconfig -a command to check) assign IP address to this interface now on slave machine. Define loopback interface also. (You may choose different IP address for eth0). Also you may need to define /etc/hosts file before you can assign IP address. Use following commands to create your new /etc/hosts. (These are actually created in ram file system RAMFS).

rm /etc/hosts
echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts
echo " fakehost" >> /etc/hosts

ifconfig lo up
ipconfig eth0 up

Assuming Master Linux box (from where you want to clone) is up and running with IP

slave% nc -l -p 9000 | dd of=/dev/sda (Replace /dev/sda with actual drive on your slave machine)

This will listen at port 9000 and whatever it gets at port 9000 will hand over to dd command and dd will simply write that to on slave harddrive (sda) bit by bit. Here I am assuming dd and netcat (nc) are available either through floppy (/mnt/floppy/nc or through /mnt/sources/mystuff/nc). In case of floppy you need to mount floppy first using command:
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

On Master machine:
Now Login on master linux box and run following command. (It is advisable that Master Linux box should be in calm state , i.e no major jobs running on the machine). This command below will read master disk bit by bit and throw this bit stream to netcat command which is connected to netcat command at port 9000 on <slave> box.

master% dd if=/dev/sda | nc 9000

That's it. You may have to wait for long time depending upon network speed and size of your harddrive. Typically 36GB drive may take 50 minutes over 100Mbps link. Again rather than cloning complete drive we can clone only relevant partitions and MBR only. That will make cloning much faster like we saw in above section.

*more below*