Xfactor never hacked. He was banned for using a 3rd party app that was for gametime for money or some shit. ME and cookie did some click ad things a while back and yea. KAC is ultra sensitive and prob detects 3rd party apps. It was partly my fault since i found the app first since it was posted on cal forums.

Now if you are saying Xfactor hacked then that account should have been vacced by now. its been way more then 2 months ( new steam id pages displays if u are vac banned) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983201014

As you can see it isn't and im 99% sure xfactor wouldn't buy Cheats cause well hes cheap :P.

Well thats my 2 cents and Easy consider the odds. Did xfactor ever display the skills that seem to be hacks?