Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are happy to announce the availability of Beta 2b (0.80) for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion today. Now available via the Steam client for all pre-order customers, this update contains a number of bug fixes, performance optimizations and balance adjustments.
Change Log:
[ Graphics ]
? Added correct icon for Mine Control ability.
? Updated some UI textures.
? Removed name from texture on TEC Corsev battlecruiser.
? Increased zoom-in distances for all ships/structures.
? Moved out build emitter point on Advent Titan Factory to prevent mesh clipping.
? Fixed various mesh point errors on Advent Discord battleship.
[ Gameplay ]
? Players are now limited to a total of four simultaneous superweapon structures. Based on feedback this amount may be increased, decreased or the weapon effects buffed, etc.
? Adjusted AI to allow AI players to make better use of their available Fleet Supply. This is one step in a multi-step process that will be continued in the next update.
? Autocast conditions added to most ultimate abilities; allowing the AI to use them.
? Replaced Advent refinery drone mesh/texture with trade drone mesh/texture.
? Updated game Victory/Loss strings.
? Fixed typo in Advent racial description.
? Reduced shield regeneration rate on all Envoy cruisers from 2.0 to 1.0.
? Artifact Planet players (Occupation Victory) will no longer be placed as random militia on maps.
? Replaced TEC Rebel corvettes at Pirate planet with Pirate Rogues.
? Fixed bug that allowed temporary or illusion ships to be cloned by abilities or research subjects.
? Updated Pirate Raid fleet compositions per level. Raids will now have a broader range of ship types and numbers. The max level raid is now particularly brutal, so you won't want to be the target of that!
? Pirate Mission costs adjusted for new raid levels (based on average summoned fleet supply). Pirate Missions are now substantially more expensive to account for the greater difficulty.
? Reduced Pirate research upgrade costs for all subjects.
? Reduced number of research upgrades per raid from 2 to 1.
? Increased rate of points gain for Diplomatic Victory and decreased the number of points required to win. This should greatly speed up Diplomatic victories and make them a more viable option.
? Increased roll rate of all Titans from 0.65 to 1.65.
? TEC Loyalists:
o Inspire and Impair (Ankylon Titan ability) updated to include AlliedOrEnemy and NoOwner planet types.
o AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 900 to 765; MaxShields reduced from 450 to 405; DamagePerBank reduced from 17.25 to 14.6625.
o Loyalist Corvette balance adjustment:
? Cost increased from 100/10/5 to 190/20/10.
? Fleet Supply increased from 2 to 3.
? XP increased from 4 to 8.
? Laser damage per bank increased from 30 to 33.
? AutoCannon damage per bank increased from 15.5 to 20.
? Missile damage per bank decreased from 25.5 to 25.
? TEC Rebels:
o AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 900 to 765; MaxShields reduced from 450 to 405; DamagePerBank reduced from 17.25 to 14.6625.
o Rebel Corvette balance adjustment:
? Cost increased from 100/10/5 to 190/20/10.
? Fleet Supply increased from 2 to 3.
? XP increased from 4 to 8.
? Laser damage per bank increased from 30 to 33.
? AutoCannon damage per bank increased from 15.5 to 20.
? Missile damage per bank decreased from 25.5 to 25.
o Pirate Mercenaries balance adjustments:
? Fleet Supply summoned range changed from 45-60 to 75-100.
? Weights now favor Pirate Cutthroat, Pirate Corsair, Pirate Rogue, Pirate Reaper, Pirate Pillager.
? Cost per use changed from 2500/150/500 to 6000 credits.
? Advent Loyalists:
o Subjugating Assault (Coronata Titan ability): Increased Cooldown from 2 to 20 seconds; reduced Weapon Damage modifier penalty from 40%/35%/30%/25% to 25%/20%/15%/10%; Antimatter cost per shot reduced from 6/5/4/3 to 5/4/3/2; removed PointDefenseLaser from ability; autocast defaulted to off while we create a better aiUseTime.
o Unity Mass (Coronata Titan ability) target constraint added to prevent it from being used against invulnerable targets.
o Assimilated Populace buff increased from 1200 to 5000.
o Fixed bug with Global Unity that caused players to gain culture at gravity wells they didn't own.
o Adjusted autocast on Repossession ability (Coronata titan) to cast only during planetary bombardment (when no other threats are present).
o AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 650 to 552.5; MaxShields reduced from 620 to 558; DamagePerBank reduced from 22.5 to 19.125.
o Domina Subjugator Perseverance ability no longer needs to face its target.
o Domina Subjugator Suppression ability no longer needs to face its target.
o Loyalist Corvette balance adjustment:
? Cost increased from 100/10/5 to 175/15/15.
? Fleet Supply increased from 2 to 3.
? XP increased from 4 to 8.
? Laser damage per bank increased from 25 to 30.
? PDL damage per bank increased from 23 to 25.
? Advent Rebels:
o AntiFighter Frigate balance adjustment: MaxHP reduced from 650 to 552.5; MaxShields reduced from 620 to 558; DamagePerBank reduced from 22.5 to 19.125.

[ Sound ]
? Fixed incorrect sound effect for planet bomb muzzle on Advent Loyalist Titan.

[ Misc. ]
? Optimized speed of quitting a game so there shouldn't be nearly as much of a delay on the Stats screen as before. If people still run into long delays, please zip up your autosave that repros this and send it to us
? Optimized a variety of systems that are dependent on getting targets in range. This should resolve one of the biggest causes of slowdowns in large games.
? Optimized AverageCulturePercFromAllConnections, which was causing major slowdowns, especially in terms of targeting.
? Optimized pathfinding within the same orbit body for improved performance.
? Optimized threat detection system for performance.
? Optimized order system cleanup for performance.
? Fixed bug with Logitech G-series keyboard display that allowed players to see unexplored planet information.
