? Added “Love Thy Troops” commander orders tutorial video.
? BSPzip.exe has now been added to the SDK for level designers.

General Issues
? Fixed a bug with the election system that allowed a user to register multiple votes.
? Fixed a prediction bug with the Bag90 pistol and SPETZ-9 shotgun.

User Interface
? Frag and poison grenades now have a different proximity indicator icon.
? EMP’d spawn points now have a unique icon on the deployment map.
? The customize menu now opens automatically when a new class is selected.

? Hydro
o Fixed easy to hit assembler.
o Added a few more variations of the T-Barriers.
? Oasis
o Fixed CT assembler easy to hit from a long distance
o Blocked areas where players shouldn’t get to throughout the map.
o Added a few more variations of the T-Barriers.
o Added extra clipping throughout the map, to smooth out player movement.
o Fixed light glitches on displacement in a few areas
o Fixed grass sticking through the floor in several locations
o Fixed light casting issues due smoothing, on multiple vehicle props
