Alright I think that CS_office should NOT have 44 people running around inside the map. Let alone I don't think our server can handle 44 people anyway, making the whole problem that much worse. So I'm proposing to lower the max number of people allowed to join the server.

I've talked to some regs, like myself, no i don't talk to myself..whatever, but they also believe that we should lower it because of the lag issues and whatever else reasons they may have. Now, the ultimate decision is really up to sio but I'm hoping that we can get a large number of the regulars to post here and express their opinion because I really do not have much fun when the server is lagging.

I tried the poll thing on the forums and it's being gay so just reply to this and let me know what you guys think!!

Also: Suggest what the max number of people should be. I'm thinking 30 would be a good number but let me know! ANNDDDDDD Express your feelings on all-talk..I also want it setup so you can only talk to your team while alive and only talk to dead while dead.