Looks like someone bought into neo-liberal rhetoric and the ability narrative without actually evaluating either of them...

Path you just made the sweeping suggestions that:

A: All rich people got there via hard work
B: All poor people are poor because they are lazy

Now it's a very dangerous thing to subscribe to binaries like this because of all the exceptions to the rule. Here are a bunch of people who do not fit those two categories:

- People who win the lottery and become rich without working much and were genuinely lazy.
- People born into rich families who inherited money from their parents.
- People who worked hard and got stable corporate jobs, only to learn that the company they were working for was Enron and suddenly their lives were ruined because of its collapse.
- People who were born poor, joined the armed forces becuase it was their only way out of poverty//not enough opportunities, and got PTSD from serving in Vietnam, and could never get a job again because of this, then wound up on the streets. (At least 1 in 3 homeless people are veterans. 45% of these veterans suffer from a mental illness, like PTSD)

Needless to say I could rattle off a bunch of other groups of people who are poor and were not lazy, or a bunch of people who are rich but didn't earn their wealth all by themselves. Additionally, since the 70's social programs have only been cut up by neo-liberalism (A set of economic policies which is neither new nor liberal. It's a misleading name.) while corporations have received more tax breaks and subsidies than ever before, and whole industries were privatized so now major corporations run them. 1% of the U.S. population as of March this year is either in jail or on parole, due in large part to Regan selling prisons to private corporations, then paying those corporations based on how many prisoners they have to run the facilities. This means that these companies, working FOR PROFIT, are locking people up. Therefore there is a PROFIT MOTIVE to put people in jail. If that doesn't sound fucked up to you then I don't really think I should even bother talking to you about this.