Quote Originally Posted by easytarget
Just going to outline what I look for in W0rd members, just for people who represent W0rd in our public servers.

-be fun to play with (do not be annoying - for you emo kids who can't understand positive thinking)

-be helpful

-respect everyone (also respect the chain of command within NU)

-have loyalty to NU

-are not disrespectful in other servers

-level headed

-can play with m4/ak/awp (new requirement - I do not recruit anyone who just p90s or paras or awps, unless you can show that you have certain skill with the basic rifles)

-proven you are a loyal regular in at least one of our NU servers

-have TS and come socialize with us on it

-show that you rather play on our servers and have fun rather than spending your time bugging me to join word (this is a big requirement for me because it might not seem like I know who plays in the public servers, but I keep my eye out on every server especially if you have applied via the website)

Most people just apply to apply and hope they get in. I tell everyone that I usually just recruit if you truly have been playing with us for a while. It really is not about the skill but that does help. Again, my xfire is easymaller and feel free to add me.

Please apply via the website through the css cal application. If you are applying to be on the cal team, some of these rules do not apply but a million other rules apply for that, and I will let you know what they are via private communication.

Thanks guys/gals,

do p90s count as skill guns, cuz im wicked good with them