Certain maps, certain guns are great but really, skill in my mind is if you are an aggressive player who can get the win (or be a big part of the win) by himself/herself. I also commend people who are not afraid to encounter multiple enemies because it shows how you will play to a critical situation (if one were to come up).

Camping, in my mind, is a skill in itself where it shows that you can survive and endure. But, camping should only be used situationally and if a player does it all the time, I really do not give much attention to them. There are a few players, that alot of regulars think are exceptional, but I would not even consider past good. People who put themselves in impossible situations and come out on top are the people that catch my eye. I am a big advocate of who gets first blood AND the next few kills after that.

Hopefully I won't embarass you with this but I will use Pathboy as an example. Pathboy gets alot of first bloods and is first blood alot as well and that is a very good "quality" imo. He usually does not complain but when he first started on NU, he really hated awps and did whine about them for a bit =P. Now, he is used to them and does not say anything about them and keeps to himself unless he has to enforce rules. I must say I do not ever see him use anything but a p90, which is fine but if he were to apply, I would tell him to work on his rifling skills before I would make a decision. But to be honest, if he were to apply (as long as he makes an effort to work on his ak/m4), I would take him because everyone in NU loves our little Pathboy and his inverted nipples.

p.s. hellscreams, wear ur tag, I do not see you wearing it anymore.
