Quote Originally Posted by HellscreamsRage View Post
sell it and get an xbox360
I've had Xbox360 since it's release date.

I'm tired of spending hundreds of bucks just to play online.

As well all the delays and bullshit they gave me when I sent my Xbox in twice I'm sending it in again, and if they give me a brand new system i'm sellin it.

Nuff of that...

... I'm thinkin to go with PS3 exclusive games, because I've heard multi platform games play better on the 360. (And I've experienced this with Madden '10 and UFC Undisputed 09)

I've played MAG, and it seems to be like one of those spinoff games, trying to copy MW2 & BC style gameplay.

Just Cause looked good but is it Multiplayer? I'm not one to sit there and play a game by myself... I usually only by them to play with friends...

Last Soul Caliber i played was 2 on the Gamecube i think and I must say I have not touched the series since.

Haven't played Killzone, but I've shit on it everywhere so i'll prolly give it a rent before i actually go and buy it.

GoW3 is a renter not a buyer...too short.

I'm still stuck...I'll prolly wait till i get it, check out the demos, then just watch Blu Ray movies on my 56"