Son (he'll be 1 yr on May 4th) and wife are looks like more and more i'm gonna need a 3rd surgery this time on my arm or side..depends on which abscess doesn't go away..i did my micro surgery on my arm with a knife and tweezers...ouch but i will say it was less painful than the ER surgery on my armpit 2 months ago..if you ever want to hear a gruesome story, ask me..

other than that, I told pastiez this, but I no longer drink, smoke weed or cigs, im clean sober, dead broke (my wife has been out of a job for over a year and is despearately looking for one) and waiting for my tax return that i did very belatedly

But honestly if anyone is a parent, my son makes it all worth it, along with the new Twins Stadium w00t...
Got promoted at work, hoping for another bigger promotion soon cross fingers...