Ok, Before i start this long ass thing i just want to say two things.... Im not bad mouthing these servers to make you look bad, by all means, matter of fact, wherever i go i will tell people to go there if you are looking for a good game. But im leaving because of somethings that are really getting on my nerves.... two.... Im not using specific names bc either i dont remember names or i dont want someone to get into any trouble unless im proving a point.
(Most of this occurs in MG server)

1a) I am sick and tired of a certain female in this server having about as much say as an admin and getting her way. Arisu, I love you at times, but others you piss me the fuck off. I come into a sliderace and begin to kill people, because that is the basic mission of the map. I kill early(i dont kill at spawn) and she thinks she sees me kill someone @ Spawn and i have to spend 25 mins defending myself trying to prove that i did not kill that person where she thinks her laggy butt thinks i did.

1b) If she doesnt like a map, she whines and complains until some admin either switches it, or she makes everyone miserable enough to type rtv and go to the map SHE wants. I have seen the whole server being muted before cause someone has said something to someone(like if they are mic spamming, or killing at spawn) while arisu is practially screaming into her mic.Then, all the admin are unmuted and then arisu!

I understand that females are "more delicate creatures" of the earth or w/e. But i have seen EVERYONE of the female members of N/U admins deal with more shit, more calmly than some of the males. It seems like (almost) every male admin has a crush on the female players and lets them get away with more SHIT than anyone else. This is BS. They are players, just like me and everyone else! I got into a fight with an admin the other night because she was talking shit to everyone and RAGE QUIT cause she couldnt beat a lvl. I said to another player who just rejoined the server, and asked "Whered Arisu go?", that she rage quit and was told to stop talking shit about her. This is unfair and totally pissed me off.

2) I understand that admins are higher than normal players but if a map gets voted for by majority of the players, what right is it for the admin to come in and switch the map just because he doesnt like it? That doesnt seem right to me. Forgive me if im wrong, but i thought admins were there to create an ENJOYABLE experience for the PLAYERS.

3)Certain rules i dont understand, mainly the music, as far as i understood, i saw that pasties say that, although he thought it wasnt a good idea, he didnt care, unless by vote. So i nearly got banned again bc i played some music and apparently we cant. yet, no one can give a definate answer, people are stradling both sides of the fence, just to satisfy the rule you want to enforce....

Personally, i dont want to cause to much of a problem, so thats why im leaving...... I may drop in time to time... but im sick of shit...... So the #1 MG players bids you all aidiu...