This movie's gonna suck. I'm a huge Star Trek fan, and I can tell that they just went and hollywood-ified the film to get more viewers. How? Objectification of women, turned Kirk into Hollywood's ideal hero -- a violent & emotionless angsty asshole who's in his 20's, excessive destruction in space (which is ok I guess), and psychic power shit. So basically they want it to appeal to more people because they assume that this is all that people care about in films these days so they can make maximum profits even if it means sacrificing the story and co-opting the whole series which is generally known for criticizing this sort of crap. But what Hollywood doesn't know (because Hollywood is incapable of examining itself or the actual culture of the U.S. or anywhere for that matter) is that people watch Star Trek precisely BECAUSE it's a criticism of society. So, while these goons think they're gonna be attracting new viewers, they will instead merely alienate their fan-base and the movie will be a flop.

Now maybe the the preview is just a bad preview and all that shit in there only happens once and the rest of it is decent? But come on, Kirk fighting with Spock in that 2 second fight scene, and the girl stripping... I think those are strong indications of how it will go. Additionally, this departs from the original storyline because A: Vulcans have more dense muscle tissue than humans so Spock would easily kick Kirk's ass, and B: Spock did not serve with Kirk until he was Captain, and C: Spock is much older than Kirk (80's) so he shouldn't have such a young actor.