? When deciding what to eat/drink, gnomes account for nourishment value of food/drink along with distance.
? Added Gameplay option to adjust how much food/drink nourishment effects a gnome's decision. Moving the slider to 0 will cause gnomes to always pick the closest food/drink. When multiple options are equidistant, they will choose the best. Moving the slider to 100 will allow gnomes to travel much farther for the best food/drink. Default is 50.
? Allow grass to grow up or down 1 level
? Gnomes no longer try to maintain distance from squad members while training
? Crash when completing Fill Hole and items are inside the hole.
? Performance issue with lots of unreachable jobs
? Sometimes falling down a 1 tile deep hole and immediately moving back out, ie enemies falling down a hatch and immediately teleporting back up to the top
? Liquids not updating properly when a tile is dug down that has liquid on it
? Ramps not properly being if trees or constructions were diagonally adjacent. This left invisible ramps causing tiles to not accept constructions, designations, etc.
? Tinker Benches not respecting assigned worker
? Being able to replace the floor underneath a sapling
? Food/drink HUD text not initializing red when a game is loaded with 0 food or drink
? Displaying a negative amount of gnomads arriving. Now it correctly displays 0
