Meh, I can understand what your saying... but being an awp-whore myself I love getting it of course! but I do run in and get the defuse / plant bomb or try ya knowz. But I normally get it again since i've got a bind, but when someone wants it I will either drop it next round / trade them that round. Any chance I see an awp though I go fer eet. I some what agree with what you said, not sure if our regz that are awp-whores would like if they couldn't get one. But I know some are like me can play with M4 / AK... others just cry and cry about not getting it and do like you said follow till they die. And I don't think an awp-fest server would be great attraction for new people, since our D2 server has some of the hottest awperz i've seen!!!

P.s. *Cough* i'm one of them toperz
