
i didnt post in this thread to start an all out hate fest, i wanted my regs that had questions on why i "stole" a "mil" to really know the truth of the matter. the ban all NA players came from not knowing who else was activly being a burrito per burrito's request. the first 10 i banned were caught actively recruiting be it by a regular notfying me or me walking into my dust2 server and catching someone like ION, for example, asking people if they would go to the NA server (guess it was a dust2 server). we have a polocy here at N/U, that policy is we dont allow recruiting nor do we allow our regulars or admin to go to other communities and recruit (a quick removal of the player breaking the policy has always been adhered to).

as for your first conversation with pasties i must comment on how you 2 went about it. from what i read both of you came into the conversation hot headed and with an attitude, i can understand pasties side of it becuase we just banned 3/4's of our regs and some friends from office unlimited due to burrito and his escapade (might be wrong on the timing and he could have just still been upset for having to remove people we have known for years).

anyway i have no opinion on you or your admins or your regular players for that matter, simply becuase i have more work here to deal with then having the time to go play on other peoples servers.

i have added you on xfire so that if you choose to discuss this more in private you can.

as for my regs bad mouthing NA. i do not condone it and do not think its fair to all parties to bad mouth another community just becuase N/U was wronged by a few of thier members. as pasties had said in his initial post this was so our regs would be told the truth concerning what is going on here.

thanks for your input

PS: our main dedicated server has 16 cores with only 8 game servers running on it... i wouldnt call it bloated and over loaded, but if you rent from a hosting company they(some of them any ways) overload thier boxes and do have quality issues.