I've played CS for years and years, been to uncountable servers, been in a few clans that ran their own servers. I've seen how servers run well and how they are run poorly. Now I've never been involved in a large community until I ventured into the Zombie server one fateful day.

Steveo and Tara were the first ones I met and they showed me how a good server was supposed to run, forget about Office, S&D, Dust2, I only knew about the zombie server. I didn't even know really there was an N/U before Steveo started hinting of adminship opportunity for me and asked me to join the website/forum.

No one has ever, (the Ownership included), tried to lay false trails before me. Except in these rare occasions where a disenfranchised party wasn't happy and broke away and tried to grab people from us. Pasties and Sios are always upfront with how N/U is doing, how admins are doing and how the community as a whole is doing. if they ever had a problem with me or any situation I have known about, they confront it, explore all options (or if its a dispute: all sides of the matter) try to judge the best way to go about things and set a course to make everyone happy (sometimes even at the expense of themselves).

Some of the newer admins may look from afar and see Pasties and Sios as all powerful entities who give out orders and don't take anything from no one (Hell, Sios scared the crap out of me at one point, he was the man in the red rusty van asking if I wanted candy and I am a man who likes his candy).

These guys are great people who put up with a lot of grief to make our freetime FUNTIME. Sios especially with the running of the servers 24/7. I've left out Tara for the most part because I haven't seen her lately and that makes me sad because she is the one that got me stoked for N/U and made playing on these servers fun.

Needless to say is that if pasties or sios were liars or crooks, they wouldn't have built a base of Jr Owners, Admins and regular pubs that have fun working and playing together. A great community isn't based on lies and deceit, it needs cooperation from the bottom all the way up to the top and vice versa.

So listen to burrito all you want, but the proof is in the performance and in the players. And we got both!

Want more proof? This is why I love this community: We've had jr owners, and admins (including myself) disappear, or leave, or come on hard times, and all Pasties, Sios, Tara, and others of the ownership say is: Don't worry about it, we got ya covered!

Don't worry about it...They welcome everyone and help people who need it. These are people many of these admins including myself have never met in person but are willing to go out on the limb for you when you're in need. I mean come on people, unless you're a complete fuck up, they have your back (and sometimes when you're a complete fuck up, you're hilarious so they will have your back even more)