I havE WinDows Vista UltimatE.
I Dont knoW What I DiD, BUt WhEnEvER i pREss cERtain kEys thEy Do things so i cant UsE my kEyBoaRD noRmally... mE caPitalizing lEttERs is thE only Way i can tyPE Now w/oUt Doing UnEcEssaRy actions!
**also, all sticky/togglE/FiltER kEys aRE tURnED oFF.
E = opENs 'my compUtER' FOLDER
m = minimizE EvERything
U = opENs contRol PanEl > EasE oF accEss
F = opENs thE 'sEaRch' WinDoW
D = takEs yoU to DEsktoP
t = goEs to yoUR toolBaR