When we see people with 150+ pings, it normally lags the entire server and you can really tell sometimes. So I doubt this will happen but we'll see what others say. Thanks for checking us out tho.
Hi, well i saw the server in a youtube video, and i enter to the server that is realy cool. But i have a problem, te ping limit is 150 y think, and mi ping is alwaay 170-200 so i cant play in it. I wanna know if the ping limit can be changed to 200. Well i hope that becouse i wanna play in the servers
When we see people with 150+ pings, it normally lags the entire server and you can really tell sometimes. So I doubt this will happen but we'll see what others say. Thanks for checking us out tho.
what server are you joining?
Well, you don't have to worry, my ping is always 400-2000 everything between those depending on the server
The ping limit changes to 200 at night if your talking about zm.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]
8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]
people with high pings DO NOT lag the entire server. it's just not enjoyable to play with someone who is lagging. i'm not saying this is the case because your ping is probably high due to where you live.
then yah get autokicked a lot...
yah got a high ping cause of the servers are in the US i think and yah probably live in Europe or in Azia? i got a ping of around 120-150 because i live in The Netherlands/Europe and tahts a long distance away
and in the nights the ping goe's to 220 on zm but i dunno what yah playing?
i play from argentina, and all the eeuu server let me in, well i didint know that at nigth server pinglimit goes to 220, thats great, exactly what time? becouse in argentina there is another hour. if this is true you will see me playing alot
Well ok then Welcome to the Server!
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