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View Full Version : Rejoiners WILL DIE

11-30-2008, 09:23 PM
Okay fuck this shit, if you rejoin to respawn I'll slay your sorry ass. It's over. I'm sick of killing you and then getting killed by you in the same round. It's not fair to everyone else who patiently waits out the game after being killed. I'm gonna find a way to auto-slay all you ass hats out there that think it's cool to get a second chance when everyone else doesn't. No, even better, I'll re-write it to set you on FIRE the next round that you do actually join legitimately. This crap is over. :evil: :evil:

11-30-2008, 09:30 PM
HAHAHAHA... go get em nat!

11-30-2008, 09:33 PM
Woops. Sorry, that was me who killed you after accidently respawning. I was trying to reset score and didn't mean to respawn.

11-30-2008, 09:40 PM
umm which server nat ??

btw only resason i rejoin is cause i'm on wireless and my internet sucks in game
everyone that knows me knows this (anyone else thats on wireless pls let me know what card ya use or adapter as i am currently in the market for a better one)

11-30-2008, 10:28 PM
Done and Done!!

Anti-Respawn is now in effect on Reg Office, Office Unlimited, Dust 2, and Gun Game.

11-30-2008, 10:40 PM
Thanks, this has been a pet peeve of mine as well. Hard to monitor.


12-01-2008, 12:11 AM
*IF YOU NEED THIS, YOU MAY USE IT!! I just read the entire thread LOL!

Maybe I have a solution..

I have been working on this and was going to delete it when I was rummaging through some old files.

It's in Python (the easiest damn language in the world..) and I got some examples from EventScripts website and some other scripts as well, but all in all, I wrote it to benefit the community.


place in /addons/eventscripts/anti_retry/ and name anti_retry.py!! =)

I started this like 2 or 3 weeks ago when I noticed that admins were trying to get players to stop rejoining and I just finished it tonight with some good ideas from some resources at eventscripts' directory of all the damn functions lol

anyways, the CODE!


import es

#Created by sutt0n
#Special thanks to many Python references and examples and EventScripts
#Dedicated to the folks at N00BUnlimited!

#Naming base and sub variables
info = es.AddonInfo()
info.name = 'N/U AntiRejoin'
info.url = 'http://www.n00bunlimited.net/'
info.version = '1.0'
info.author = 'sutt0n'
info.basename = 'anti_retry'
es.ServerVar('anti_retry_ver',info.version,' By-> sutt0n').makepublic()

#Enabling variables and enabling the entire script
dead_players = []
disc_players = []
enabled = 1

#Defining the load() function
def load():
es.msg('#multi', '#green[#lightgreenAnti Retry#green]#default Loaded')

#Defining the unload() function
def unload():
es.msg('#multi', '#green[#lightgreenAnti Retry#green]#default Unloaded')

#When the round ends, disable the script and reset the variables
def round_end(ev):
global enabled, disc_players, dead_players
enabled = 0
disc_players = []
dead_players = []

#When the round starts, rename the enable variable and make it global (well.. backwards lol)
def round_start(ev):
global enabled
enabled = 1

#Check if the user disconnected and store in an Array
def player_disconnect(ev):
if enabled:
if ev['reason'] == 'Disconnect by user.':

#Take the STEAM_ID that player died that disconnected
def player_death(ev):
if enabled:

#If the steam id of the player is in the array and he recently disconnected, then SLAY the FUCK out of him! ^_^
def player_spawn(ev):
userid = ev['userid']
if not es.getplayerprop(userid, "CBasePlayer.pl.deadflag"):
steamid = ev['es_steamid']
if steamid in dead_players and steamid in disc_players:
es.setplayerprop(userid, "CBasePlayer.m_iHealth", 0)
es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s !self ignite' % userid)
es.msg('#multi', '#green[#lightgreenAnti Retry#green] #lightgreen%s#default has been slayed for rejoining after dying!' % ev['es_username'])

#comments were in there for any editing you guys want to do..

12-01-2008, 12:21 AM
Too late. D: And the one I put up is way simpler.

12-01-2008, 11:00 PM

12-14-2008, 07:31 PM
i would never get caught doing that. due to the shittyness of my computer, my harddrive would probably crash in the attempt. but good job nat, they are annoying