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View Full Version : Sajora, I'll say it once.

10-19-2008, 12:21 AM
Unban me, I have done nothing to your bitch ass except say "Ban me" about 50 times. It was YOUR STUPID ASS that kept gagging me so I couldn't apologize. GROW THE FUCK UP AND UNBAN MY ACCOUNT SO MY BROTHER CAN PLAY YOUR GOD DAMN SERVER.

-Fucking asshole.

10-19-2008, 12:33 AM
AUX GIVE IT UP SERIOUSLY your protest has already been denied and your starting to annoy me as well just wait the extra 3 days till ur ban expires k and calling an admin a "fucking asshole" surley isnt the way to go about getting your self unbanned sorry man

10-19-2008, 01:30 AM
Unban me, I have done nothing to your bitch ass except say "Ban me" about 50 times. It was YOUR STUPID ASS that kept gagging me so I couldn't apologize. GROW THE FUCK UP AND UNBAN MY ACCOUNT SO MY BROTHER CAN PLAY YOUR GOD DAMN SERVER.

-Fucking asshole.

aight bud. first of all you need to grow up! dont come in here on our forums acting like this and expect top be unbanned... forget it! your not gonna come onto our forum and disrespect one of our admin like this. NO Way! it will not be allowed.

Your not gonna come in here and say "IMa say it once sajora, unban me." no no no. it doesnt work that way. the admin tells "you" what to do and if you dont do it then your banned. and if you told him to ban you then thats called "taunting" and i would ban you for it as well!

Good day!

10-19-2008, 01:32 AM
Speaking to the admin's like that aux can get you perma banned, if you have a problem with an admin bring it up to the JrOwner of that server and if that doesnt help or if their the problem go to the owners.

10-19-2008, 02:59 AM
Aux don't come into the forums posting this shit. You say one more thing about any of the admins and I'll ban you from the forums too. I don't have time to read childish bullshit like this and I sure as hell don't want to see it here.

Shape up or ship out.

10-19-2008, 03:59 AM
maybe you didnt notice it when u played but i just muted and gagged u when u started to spam the mic and chat with ur ban me shit
but after u started to rejoin every second to avoid being muted and gagged and after i had to gag u like 30 times in 1 minute cause u started to type shit i got pissed and banned u
and like i said in the comment to ur ban drink was gonna ban u 2 and the players were votebanning you
i dont understand why u did that shit cause u know all the rules but i dont care anymore


10-19-2008, 05:18 AM
problem solved! user is to be banned from the servers till he/she learns some respect and grows a brain.


10-19-2008, 05:50 AM
maybe you didnt notice it when u played but i just muted and gagged u when u started to spam the mic and chat with ur ban me shit
but after u started to rejoin every second to avoid being muted and gagged and after i had to gag u like 30 times in 1 minute cause u started to type shit i got pissed and banned u
and like i said in the comment to ur ban drink was gonna ban u 2 and the players were votebanning you
i dont understand why u did that shit cause u know all the rules but i dont care anymore


is that the guy i kicked and he got pissed that i kicked him and didn't ban him?

10-19-2008, 05:57 AM
sio ftw...

yeah, when I joined he kept trying to voteban everyone... hellscreams, yeah, its the same guy...

10-19-2008, 06:08 AM
That guy was great, nonstop "ban me ban me ban me"

so sajora would mute/gag him then i ended up kicking him, so he got more mad.

what an idiot...Those guys are what makes adminship fun!

10-19-2008, 07:54 AM
he did the same shit to me & i laughed my ass off at him but o well i think its funny as hell that he would do all of that & would think that i was goin to let him be unban after i read this shit funny but the jokes on him i dont want him on my server or his brother as well u messed it up for the both of you get over it theres about 12000 other servers on css & the sad thing is if u keep it up on there youll get ban off them also.

have a nice day & THANK YOU DONT COME AGAIN


10-19-2008, 08:45 AM
Why must I read this shit...It takes up braind cells. Don't be an asshole and you won't get perma banned.

10-19-2008, 08:48 AM
i only banned him for 11 months and some od number of days so....

10-19-2008, 12:17 PM
hhahaahah Sio i love you bro!

10-19-2008, 12:32 PM

10-19-2008, 03:00 PM
edited for content.

10-19-2008, 03:26 PM
Stay classy San Diego...

10-19-2008, 03:28 PM

10-19-2008, 03:33 PM
i dont know about the being pissed off part but i think its comical that your so angry, cant be good for your health to be in that state of mind seeing as your just a inbred backwoods "i diddled my sister behind the toolshed" type mother fucker that has no need to be accepted due to the unfortunate matter of your parents actually preocreated producing the likes of you.

your spineless and retarded to think this was typed out in anger (which is what your thinking as you read the first part. actually im happy that i got rid of you from our community and dont have to bother with you again.

see ya
the one person who thinks abortion is legal for the likes of you and your mate (if there ever will be anything other then your hand)

10-19-2008, 03:48 PM
You are my hero sio!

10-19-2008, 03:53 PM
where did you get the impression i was angry, you fat slob? i just dont like ur bitch ass admins who think they are kings and queens of the whole fucking planet, with you as their cockmongrel, that is all


10-19-2008, 04:02 PM
with you as their cockmongrel

From the Urban Dictionary:
Cock Mongrel: A person who slobbers all over the cock on a regular basis, they will go for any cock at anytime

Is this the kind of thing I can get as a free service or do I need to make an extra admin donation for this? signed - confused & excited in Illinois

p.s. - can we just forum ban him yet?

10-19-2008, 04:38 PM
oooo00000ooo cockmongrel now... lol too bad your banned, have a happy day becuase i know i will.

thanks for stopping by


10-19-2008, 04:58 PM
this was one of the most funniest posts i've seen for awhile. Sio, you own... enough said

10-20-2008, 03:16 AM
lmao wow... i think its Sio 1 and the stupid little kid 0.. haha go sio! :D

10-20-2008, 04:54 AM
where did you get the impression i was angry, you fat slob? i just dont like ur bitch ass admins who think they are kings and queens of the whole fucking planet, with you as their cockmongrel, that is all

I was angry, I am a fat slob, I like your ass and the admins who are kings and queens of the planet, I am your cockmongrel, i wish i could say more.

^^^^^^ i fixed what he truly meant to say

Someone has anger issues

10-20-2008, 04:58 AM
p.s. - can we just forum ban him yet?

and deprive others of this quality entertainment? This guy shreds dignity like the Minnesota Vikings shred any hope of a winning season.

He thinks he can act like an ass because he has a god given right to ruin others fun. Well he found out he can't and he's angry about it no matter what asshat says.

10-20-2008, 06:23 AM
I... I have nothing to add here. I am still rereading the first post.

Only I am allowed to be so demanding of Saj, for the record.

10-20-2008, 04:26 PM
p.s. - can we just forum ban him yet?

and deprive others of this quality entertainment? This guy shreds dignity like the Minnesota Vikings shred any hope of a winning season.

He thinks he can act like an ass because he has a god given right to ruin others fun. Well he found out he can't and he's angry about it no matter what asshat says.

I banned him anyway. Calling Sios a cockmongrel doesn't sit well with me.

10-20-2008, 05:37 PM
with you as their cockmongrel

From the Urban Dictionary:
Cock Mongrel: A person who slobbers all over the cock on a regular basis, they will go for any cock at anytime

Is this the kind of thing I can get as a free service or do I need to make an extra admin donation for this? signed - confused & excited in Illinois

p.s. - can we just forum ban him yet?


Someone call a lawyer! i think someone just got raped!

10-20-2008, 08:39 PM
p.s. - can we just forum ban him yet?

and deprive others of this quality entertainment? This guy shreds dignity like the Minnesota Vikings shred any hope of a winning season.

He thinks he can act like an ass because he has a god given right to ruin others fun. Well he found out he can't and he's angry about it no matter what asshat says.

I banned him anyway. Calling Sios a cockmongrel doesn't sit well with me.

anyone using the term cockmongrel doesn't sit well with me

I mean there are so many better words/phrases out there to use that cockmongrel seems so infantile

my favorite is cockbite

10-21-2008, 10:42 AM
Cockbite.... That just sounds like that would hurt.

Cockmongrel Sounds like a Ravage beast on ur cock. 8O

10-25-2008, 11:56 PM
man why do i always miss all the fun while i'm gone??
sounds like someone needs a adult or role model in there life or you know where there gonna end up unfortately if they talk like that in there real life.
one of 2 places JAIL OR DEAD for mouthing off to the wrong person and getting bitch slaped for real.unfortinate that ppl like this exsit in this world or we all would have a much sunnier disposition everyday. 8O :roll: