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08-21-2008, 05:15 PM
So is it just me or is Steam crashing a lot recently>
I mean I come on to the Regular Office server and
it crashes on me consistantly, especially when I try to
add my friends back to the list.

Let me know that I am not the only one with the problem
with Steam and the amount of crashing it does :D

08-21-2008, 09:47 PM
I am not having this problem.

If you want you can delete this which is in your steam directory


delete that totally from your pc and restart steam.

08-21-2008, 09:56 PM
So deleting that will solve all the problems that I
have been having recently with Steam, and if so then
thanks for the help. Its been pissing me off quiet a
bit because I cant add anymore lol. :D