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View Full Version : Celebrating Holidays with a Bang

05-30-2010, 07:11 AM
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone and soon to be Memorial Day itself. Well fireworks happen every year, shooting off rockets, mortars, etc. but the days of m aking your own seem to have past...

But do you want a relatively cheap BANG? Something to wake up the neighbors?


Sparkler bombs? Well, when I was in highschool my friends and I found people creating these, and it took a while to get it right but here is how you make them:

1. You need a big pack of sparklers (i think they come in like 60-80 packs) you take them all out leaving one to use as a fuse laser.

2. You need a roll of electrical tape. You will wrap the entire length of the sparklers from top to bottom (leaving a half a centimeter in diameter hole at the top for the fuse) in the tape. Make sure your wrapping it several times including the bottom so no air can get out that way.

3. Stick the lone sparkler in the top, make sure at least an inch or more of the actual sparkler power gets into the rest of the sparklers so it can actually light the rest.

4. You need to stick it in the ground (or snow for New Years) so it stands off..i've had very very bad experiences with it tipping over (a few bushes on fire thats all). Light the fuse and run away.

5. BOOM....liked it didn't ya? If you do it right you'll get a HUGE explosion, but if you didn't seal it correctly or if for some reason you got the wrong sparklers, it will make a 7 foot tall sparkler fountain which is also cool.

If it went off correctly you'll have this very cool looking metal flower from the sparkler stems..

I will post pictures/video of the sparkler bomb after July 4th (seeing how im working through Memorial day)

Remember you need a large multicolor pack of sparklers (60-80 or more if you'd like) You need to get them in a state that allows fireworks..for some reason sparklers in states that don't allow fireworks use a different kind of powder...i don't get it