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View Full Version : playing with redirects

02-14-2010, 08:06 PM
gonna play around with some things concerning redirects and domain names for the game servers.

redirect: N00bunlimited office server (http://office.n00bunlimited.net/)

this can be done several ways - html, php, or .htaccess


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=steam://connect/"></HEAD>
Optional page text here.


header( 'Location: steam://connect/' ) ;


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^office.n00bunlimited.net [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ steam://connect/ [L]

with the htaccess i can perform multiple redirects on one ip depending on the domain name
example(dust2 domain name is not active):

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^office.n00bunlimited.net [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ steam://connect/ [L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^dust2.n00bunlimited.net [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ steam://connect/ [L]

Stupid htaccess Tricks • Perishable Press (http://perishablepress.com/press/2006/01/10/stupid-htaccess-tricks/)

ok so with the above in mind fire up http on your game server, if you have a dedicated server, and then add a subdomain to your web hosting account pointing to an ip on the game server.

edit your apache.conf to show that ip is used for a certain domain name so all traffic to that ip hits the web dir you specify in the apache conf file. add your chosen way of redirecting to the web folder and test.

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/office
<Directory "/var/www/html/office">
allow from all
Options +Indexes
ServerName office.n00bunlimited.net

(this is a bland tutorial written while drinking so if i missed a few steps just ask and ill fill them in.)

02-14-2010, 10:51 PM
Kigen has those setup for NS.
I like em =D

02-15-2010, 06:18 AM
this sort of thing is kinda preschool in nature but i saw alot of chatter about it over at the sourcemod website, seeing as i was bored i decided to write up a mini tutorial that is more a basic starting point then anything else.
