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View Full Version : Sv_Pure 2

02-13-2010, 01:28 AM
I have been going around the N/U Servers, and I have noticed that almost all of them are set to "sv_pure 0". This really leaves room for anyone to get on a material wall hack to see players through walls by using the in game custom skins.

Setting sv_pure to 2 will illuminate this problem, it's a big problem and almost no one gets caught for It. If you watch closely you can tell but It's still hard. So this is just my suggestion for all of you who manage the servers.

I have sv_pure set to 2 on my tf clans server, It really filters the hackers well, and we immediately noticed some players that were extreamly well at sniping had there "skills" diminished.

Sv_Pure 2

Pros: No Mat Wall Hacks, Everyone Is playing the same game.
Cons: No custom content ( includes sprays )

So yeah, would greatly improve the quality of the servers.

02-13-2010, 02:08 AM
guess we need to whitelist the gg server again O_o guess they wont learn :/

02-13-2010, 12:01 PM
when did we take down the whitelisted portion of it?

02-13-2010, 12:59 PM
I don't know but It gets annoying when playing GG.

02-14-2010, 09:57 AM
Siosios runs his own white-list, the problem is GG and zombie have so many textures that fall outside normal maps. I'm sure he can clarify, this tho.

02-14-2010, 10:19 AM
Yeah, that's why I didn't want to go through the hassle of making my server a sv_pure 1, even tho the map we play on only has 4 textures lol.

But for a finished CS map, I wouldn't bother and just make It Pure 2.

02-14-2010, 10:27 AM
i made all the servers at one time whitelisted with perms to use certain textures from the players being allowed but with that we lost alot of players due to thier custom gun skins and what not. i removed whitelisting and put the burdon of catching the wall hackers back on the admin that run our servers and have faith in them to do thier jobs.


02-14-2010, 04:00 PM
Well... that sucks, finding mat hackers is really difficult and hard to prove.

Couldn't you just make a white list like this?

//To prevent mat hacks.

materials\... from_steam

//For custom skins and models

models\player\... allow_from_disk
models\weapons\... allow_from_disk
materials\models\weapons\... allow_from_disk
materials\models\player\... allow_from_diskIt would make the server's first start up take a little while snice it has to generate the CRC's for the materials folder but It would be very much worth it.

02-14-2010, 04:47 PM
Add /effects and /overlays, /sprites players can mod their HuD colours, nightvision, and flashlights, plus sparts and bomb flash colour, plus a few other things, like muzzle flashes, etc.
mainly, a whitelist should have everything that is in the materials/models from steam.. since most mats ( plaster concrete etc) are in there.

02-14-2010, 05:44 PM
I don't see the point in adding effects, overlays and sprites, they don't really have any game altering effects on gameplay. Also things like "plaster concrete" are in the materials folder, so the above white list would be doing it's job.

Acctually now that I think about it, you could acctually remove "models\players" and "models\weapons" if the default for whitelist is allow_from_disk.

02-14-2010, 05:50 PM
this is the actual one used and is still a work in progress.

materials\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\brick\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\buildings\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\carpet\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\composite\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\concrete\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\cs_assault\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\cs_havana\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\cs_italy\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\cstrike\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_aztec\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_cbble\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_dust\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_nuke\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_piranesi\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_prodigy\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_tides\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\de_train\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\glass\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\ground\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\decals\custom\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\liquids\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\metal\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\nature\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\overlays\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\plaster\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\particle\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\stone\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\tile\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\wood\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\effects\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\props\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\cs_havana\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\cs_italy\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\de_cbble\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\de_chateau\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\de_dust\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\de_piranesi\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
materials\models\player\... allow_from_disk
materials\overlays\scope_lens.vtf allow_from_disk
materials\temp\... allow_from_disk
materials\vgui\... allow_from_disk
materials\decals\... allow_from_disk
models\... allow_from_disk
models\player\v4labs_v2\*.* allow_from_disk
scripts\... allow_from_disk
sound\quake\*.* allow_from_disk
sound\admin_plugin\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\models\props\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\models\weapons\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\natalya\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\models\natalya\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\models\player\*.* allow_from_disk
models\natalya\*.* allow_from_disk
materials\effects\flashlight001.vtf allow_from_disk
materials\plaster\slide.vmt allow_from_disk

02-14-2010, 07:36 PM
Nice list =D
However, if you just set it to from_steam, you do not need to check crc.

02-15-2010, 12:37 AM
That's a good white list,but. I think I see the problem why people were not able to load there skins while this white list was being used.

Setting "materials\models\weapons" and all the other custom skin stuff to " *.* " would only allow custom files in just that dir. You would need to set it to " ... " after the dir so it will let the client load all the files in there and whats most important, sub dirs.

*.* = All files in a certain directory
... = All files in a certain directory as well as all files in directories below that directory

Also If you set "materials\*.*" to "..." you wouldn't need to add all the sub dir's your self.

02-15-2010, 05:28 AM
Am sorry but I dont understand what sv_pure does if it is set to 0 or 2.I know it is a console code but I dont understand what it does.

02-15-2010, 05:32 AM
// Control where the client gets content from
// 0 = anywhere, 1 = anywhere listed in white list, 2 = steam official content only
sv_pure 0


02-15-2010, 02:17 PM
Right Sio, but mod the default whitelist to also allow
this will give back weapon skins.
Since player skins are On by default, adding this will allow the weapons skins to work as well, but also prevent nonsteam content from being loaded on other materials.

02-15-2010, 02:26 PM
I read up more about the default for pure and its "from steam" so you just have to add the folders you want to allow, like mods. I just redid my whitelist because of all this lol.

materials\... from_steam
models\... from_steam
models\player\... allow_from_disk
materials\models\player\... allow_from_disk
materials\effects\... allow_from_disk
materials\hud\... allow_from_disk
materials\temp\... allow_from_disk
materials\vgui\logos\... allow_from_disk
materials\vgui\logos\ui\... allow_from_diskBasically the default settings that come with the white list.

02-15-2010, 04:45 PM
well ill be going back through this list with a fine tooth comb but one thing i wont allow is outside player skins due to the fact that if you have the bright colored skins for the teams then you have an advantage over regular plaers and thats considered material hacking also.


02-16-2010, 05:44 AM
Add these lines instead Siosios

materials\models\player\... from_steam
models\player\... from_steam

this will enforce Stock (steam) player models

02-16-2010, 08:21 AM
So if your only gonna allow weapon skins that seems good.