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View Full Version : Seriously this is crap...

11-22-2009, 08:27 PM
I'm sick and tired of admins in this server listening to non members just random players that spend 24/7 in the zombie server, telling them to do this and that to players, such as ban, kick, set on fire, etc...

Today i get in your server, we are playing on isolation and i go into the room that you have to push a button to get into and then i go up to the vents sit in there at the far end, and right now im telling you I WAS SITTING IN THERE WITH A P90 AND IN COME THIS GUY NAMED 3.4 Cohegen or something like that and first thing he goes it o there is someone in the vents....and he tries to get me but me and one other guy hold him off and kill him, he gets pissed off and says you need to set Clonetrooper on fire for proping vents, i didn't even use props, i had 0 points to buy EVEN if i wanted to. So anyways some admin kicks me (3.4 Cohegen said his name was like Cancer or something, and he just kicks me because General Retard told him to...I didn't freakin do anything, every time i go to that level (in that server) i go that and never once got in trouble..he just got mad because he couldnt get me, and by the way NatalyaAF if you read this, Cohegen was in on the last time getting me kick for no reason.

Im seriously tired of admins just listening to others, freaking go to spectate and look at them then use YOUR judgement.

11-22-2009, 08:32 PM
so you were vent camping.. which is against the rules........ I don't see what the problem here is. You did something which was against the rules and the admin gave a punishment. Just cause you want to get away with breaking the rules doesn't mean you can come here and say that an admin isn't doing his job properly. Read and learn the rules and follow them and there won't be need for a thread like this. As for listening to such players, we only listen to players who are vip's or regulars in the server and we trust their judgement which is why we might listen to them when we can't see everything going on in the server at once.

11-22-2009, 08:36 PM
Thanks sean but no where on the Motd does it say no vent camping, its says no camping and if they inforced that rule in a zomibe server then every singel human would die because thats all you do in that server...and even if it is a rule, even though it isn't posted anywhere aren't you suppose to give warning before any action is taken, do me a favor and don't post anything unless you know something.....

11-22-2009, 08:37 PM
OK maybe you should read the rules before you bitch and moan about how you were kicked from the server for breaking them. You were firewalling a VENT!!!! Venting is against the rules it does not matter if you use props or not siting in a vent shooting zombies is ILLEGAL!!! ive been playing in the n/u zm server for somewheres around 2 years i know the rules and i know the illegal spots in a majority of the maps, im not some random scrub off the streets bitching and moaning( like you are). Anyspot that you are crouching in (tubes, vents, crouch spots in general) are ILLEGAL!!!! Twice you ahve done something illegal in the server, the first time I got an admin and he kicked you, the second time you did something else ILLEGAL and you got kicked again. You keep bitching and whining on how you are being wrongfully removed from the server and that you are perfect and know all of the rules when you OBVIOUSLY DO NOT. LEARN THE RULES PLAY THE GAME FAIRLY AND HAVE FUN. when players LIKE YOU break the rules it is a great disrespect to everyone else to every one who has ever followed the rules in the zombie mod server. AGAIN READ THE RULES FOLLOW THEM YOU WONT BE KICK AND U WONT HAVE TO BITCH AND CRYA BOUT IT!!!.

11-22-2009, 08:37 PM
His name is Cogbern.

If you have a quarrel, it's with me, I do not approve of venting, someone mentioned you had a history of rule breaking so I kicked you. They are not random people, they are regulars. They know the rules, as should you. Countless times you are reminded of them, you were asked to leave the ventilation, you did not.

You were told not to prop it, it doesn't matter who did it, you or Jeremy, the other occupant I kicked. You were both present, so both were removed.

I could of burned you, but you'd still complain as you did here. From my understanding this is not the first time you've filed a complaint on these forums.

If there is something I'm missing, please, I welcome you to enlighten me, and the others who will view this.

11-22-2009, 08:41 PM

No Barricade Breaking!!
-This includes moving part of a barricade to join a person in their spot.

No Excessive Prop Stacking
- Stacking props to unreachable places will get you slapped, burned, and/or kicked. *NEW RULE*

Hacking = BAN
- There is NO tolerance for hacking of any kind.

Respect Admins
- They pay for the server you are enjoying.

Don't Bash On Newbs!!
- This is N00b Unlimited after all.

Recruiting on this server = BAN

Gay Porn, Tranny Porn, and Child Porn = BAN

If you do not speak English, please refrain from using your microphone.

If your testicles have not yet dropped, do not use your microphone.

No Tubing//Venting;
- If a zombie has to crouch to get in you will get slaughtered!!

Zombies who do not do their job WILL be kicked!
- This includes suicide, playing with vehicles, playing with built-in weapons (Flak Cannon), purposefully allowing yourself to be killed, purposely not killing humans, etc. [Vehicles and weapons are allowed if they are used to get to humans. Ex: Vehicles used on escape maps]

Don't Spam The Mics
- Keep the mic chatter down to a minimum. Spamming of music, sound clips, etc. will NOT be tolerated.

Do Not Spam Other Websites or Server IP's
- This is a very serious rule and you will get permanently banned!!

Admins Have Final Say!!
- If you want to dispute something, do it in the forums, but what is decided in game by an admin goes so stfu!!

Admins have the right to deem a hard to reach place illegal. Do not argue with an admin about their decisions or you may be gagged/muted. If you have questions, contact a Jr. Owner.

Current Admins: (If I forgot you by accident, just let me know)
Vit [Jr. Owner]
Natalya[AF] [Server Goddess]
Kamikaze Badass
The Ronin

11-22-2009, 08:41 PM
Thanks sean but no where on the Motd does it say no vent camping, its says no camping and if they inforced that rule in a zomibe server then every singel human would die because thats all you do in that server...and even if it is a rule, even though it isn't posted anywhere aren't you suppose to give warning before any action is taken, do me a favor and don't post anything unless you know something.....

lmao, I've been an admin in ZM for a long time and I know the rules a lot better than you, please don't post anything unless YOU know something

11-22-2009, 08:46 PM
Please read the rules!!

11-22-2009, 08:47 PM
First off cogbern, i only got kicked the first time because 1337budha shot a pallette of boxes and i was right behind him, hints how he knew my name...and when he shot i got glitched into the boxes so i shot to get out and then he shot the boxes right back...so nothing happened except for him just complaining....and second cancer, i never once heard a warning from you to get out or read anything, or else i would have gladly got out, i heard cogbern yelling to get me set on fire and then the next thing like 2 seconds later i was kicked and nowhere cogbern did i see those rules, now that i have i know them and second cancer if you went to spectate or even looked at where we were you would see that the vent was not propped, but you didnt you took it on the words of an asshole and kicked us. and I file complaints because of retard admins like you (sorry to not "respect" you but when you don't do your job right your not worthy of respect).

anything im missing?
ok now that i see the rules page i will obided by them, the only thing is that those rules are not on the motd or anything, not every css player is going to go to your website to read the rules, hints me, didn't know them until now, and i read your motd and nowhere did i see no tube/vent camping.....maybe you should update your motd?

11-22-2009, 08:50 PM
cancer is a great admin and nowhere was he in the wrong, you broke the rules and were punished, stop being a baby and just accept that, grow a pair of balls, read the rules and follow them.

11-22-2009, 08:54 PM
Thank you for you input.

I can clearly see you yourself knew nothing of your surroundings or the two file cabinets in the vent, but for you to have 0 credits seeing as you spawn with at least one, you must have used it somewhere.

Nonetheless, you were kicked. No complaint filed here can change that, thus other than you learning the rules, you accomplished nothing here, but that is what attention whoring is all about.

Don't worry I have a little sister, this phase will pass, and with time so shall your grammatical errors.

Welcome to N00bunlimited. Please enjoy your stay with us.

11-22-2009, 08:59 PM
Wow Cancer I honestly don't think it is possible to be more stupid than you...

And if this Server owner had any sense, he would remove your admin and those like you.

Its abusers like you and admins that take into account the words of a fellow assholes that ruin games. And to set things straight i did use my credit before i got there, the door way the second you enter the building on the left i placed a file cabinet there until people starting shooting it, thats why i left to go to that room.

11-22-2009, 09:04 PM
ok first off get your shit straight. I was the person on the other side of the pallet of boxes and if you said hey im gliched in the boxes i wouldnt have shot it back at you, did you no u bitched about how i was BARACADING THE HALLWAY and you BROKE MY BARACADE by shooting it out of the way, second it doesnt matter if you proped the vent YOU WERE CROUCHING!!! wait isnt crouch in in vents ILLEGAL??? YES IT IS!!!! when someone says hey this guys clonetrooper is in an illgal spot... IT MEANS YOUR BREAKING THE RULES AND THAT IS YOUR CLUE TO YOURSELF TO SAY OHH SHIT IM ABOUT TO BE KICKED BECAUSE IM BREAKING THE RULES. As we said we know what were doing all of us... ALL OF US HAVE PLAYED HERE FOR YEARS WE KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WERE TALKING ABOUT.


on a side note stop while your ahead, your digging your own grave, in your posts you have insulted regulars, admins, and owners of this server your heading down shit creek w/o a paddle quit with the crap your only hurting yourself.

11-22-2009, 09:10 PM
For one you guys need to calm down. WedgeAntilles you are being disrepectful overall in every single post your making towards admins which is agaisnt the rules set forth by n00bunlimited so you need to stop, and all you others making posts yelling at him you are also not helping this problem so lay off.

First you broke a rule, regardless if you knew it or not, so you were punished thats what happens:
- Humans can't be inside spots where Zombies have to crouch to get in.
- Exceptions to this rule are spots where they are wide such that 3 zombies could all go in at once and they are not deeper than the height of a vending machine. An example of a spot like this that's legal is the warehouse on zm_winterfun.
- Humans are not allowed to put props into vents where you have to crouch to get in or crawl through. (Like maybe a legal spot is at the end of a vent. Humans can't put props inside that portion.)
- Humans can't shoot into vents like that either, unless there is another way to get into the room. An example is the roof of the cabin in zm_complication_v6. You can shoot the vent thing there because Zombies can also climb up the sign.
- Humans can't camp in places that are more than 2 or 3 filing cabinets high off the ground if there is no other way of getting there (like a teleport or helicopter).
- If a Human is breaking any of those vent-related or prop stacking rules, the steps are as follows:

Second.... Cancer. You were actually in the wrong yourself, you were right to punish him however :

1: Warn//Admin Chat
HERE---->- If they ignore u or don't respond, set them on fire until they pay attention.
- If they still don't pay attention burn them to death.
- If they do respond, tell them to get out. They must get out immediately. If there are Zombies outside and you think they can be given a chance to get out try it, but usually Zombies are dumb and will try to kill them. The Humans will just have to deal with dieing.
2: If they go back to the same spot or a similar spot later, kick them from the server.
3: If they come back and do it again warn them again, try to get their attention. If this means slapping or burning or whatever do it. I'd rather an Admin got through to someone than we just ban them when they don't respond.
4: If that doesn't work, then ban for a day.

These were written by none other that Natalya herself. Even if you told him to get out, you failed to set him on fire to make him listen, which was the next step.

You guys do not need to make posts yelling and cussing each other out. That is completely pointless. If you have a complaint make a FORMAL one.

Seeing as you now know the rules, and you were punished for breaking a rule this seems to be resolved if a mod could close this thread.


11-22-2009, 09:14 PM

I have a real problem with you coming into our forums and calling people stupid and calling our admins and reg assholes.

Whether you respect them or not keep the name calling out of the forums.

I understand you have issues but right now you are going the wrong way about getting them fixed. Who the hell wants to listen to a guy who just shits on people. Not me.

Take your issues up with the ZM admins with Sajora privately and be nice about it. Maybe he will actually listen to you.

** Thread Locked **

Wow Cancer I honestly don't think it is possible to be more stupid than you...

And if this Server owner had any sense, he would remove your admin and those like you.

Its abusers like you and admins that take into account the words of a fellow assholes that ruin games. And to set things straight i did use my credit before i got there, the door way the second you enter the building on the left i placed a file cabinet there until people starting shooting it, thats why i left to go to that room.

11-22-2009, 11:11 PM
N/U [ Zombie Mod 2.0 ] Props | Skins | Weapons | (66 TIC) (http://www.aura-forums.com/cstrike/motd)

That's the MotD and it's in there on the right.