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10-27-2009, 11:52 AM
This is a convo with soopa and cmac, I hope you dont mind i post this soopa.....

c м д c: hows NU treatin ya
SoopaKoopaTroopa: not bad
SoopaKoopaTroopa: i havent been playing much
SoopaKoopaTroopa: and during christmas season i will play less
c м д c: right on
c м д c: i still hate them lol
SoopaKoopaTroopa: i was one of em who said that
SoopaKoopaTroopa: i understand ur veiwpoint tho
c м д c: one of them who said what
SoopaKoopaTroopa: it wasnt supossed to be harsh
SoopaKoopaTroopa: in the forums when you left
c м д c: that i was a an ass hole?
SoopaKoopaTroopa: no that you should pay like the rest of us
c м д c: oh
SoopaKoopaTroopa: i am awps and knies on the forums
SoopaKoopaTroopa: but i didnt think your where a bad person
c м д c: i wont get into the whoel thing but i was actually goign to pay for jr admin haha
c м д c: i wasnt goign to pay after how things turned out tho
c м д c: thats all
c м д c: anyway i just crashed the server
c м д c: cause im bitter
c м д c:
SoopaKoopaTroopa: hf with that
c м д c: ty
SoopaKoopaTroopa: o and if your like that then i dont want you part of this anyways
c м д c: lol
c м д c: down again
c м д c: shitty deal
c м д c: i would have thought sio would make things a bit more secure
c м д c: since he does soooo much for these servers
c м д c: lata

10-27-2009, 12:47 PM
yeah well he fucking crashing servers left and right...bunch of us in office and i see him tryin to join and then down goes the server so we go to D2 and 5 seconds later it goes down...and we see his name tryin to join the name CCmaC....wtf..........

10-27-2009, 01:05 PM
Wait we talking about the CMAC that made N/U famous for our office_unlimted? and now hes gone rogue... wow

where have I been

10-27-2009, 01:11 PM
yo cmac is a big fucken cock period! i knew he was a dumb bitch from the start. Thanks for always crashing the server shit head! lol what a dick.


10-27-2009, 01:22 PM
I'm speechless but not suprised.

What a fucking tool!

10-27-2009, 01:28 PM
well i call this nerd-rage i mean he is still thinking of n/u and i forgot about him.....he is fail
oh and pasties don't u fucking live near him go to his house and bitch smack him then tattoo i love cock on his forehead

10-27-2009, 02:10 PM
wow, never seen cmac in that light...

10-27-2009, 03:08 PM
cmac told me he was in steam chat and hes being really gay we need to do something about this and fast because where losing ppl really fast because of this and its not making the servers better its bad really bad.He got a scrip running to do it when the servers get over a cernted amount of ppl in them he told me he does.

10-27-2009, 03:16 PM
Douche Bag to the Max right there. He wanted to leave on a good note too. Fuck-wad. I hate immature ass holes that can't handle being banned for something. Childish that he has NOTHING better to do than try and cause the death of N/U. What a tool indeed....

This is just like Nat said in that one post dumb kids that get banned for hacking or being a retard.... "Yes I hacked before. Can i Play in your servers?" :wtf: Dumasses.

10-27-2009, 03:22 PM
Dot thirds the tool emotion %%##d

10-27-2009, 04:50 PM
Lol what a newb.

10-29-2009, 08:08 AM
What the fuck happened to Cmac? i was pretty cool with him.. dont get me wrong like im on his side or anything but.. i've been unactive on N/U servers quiet often due to school and work.. saddens me..

10-29-2009, 09:57 AM
On a different note, I say thank you cmac (if it really is cmac ) for doing what u have done, Not that i personaly like the servers crashing,

but by doing what he has been doing, crashing the servers and mabye some other things
he has shown us that our servers can be hacked? i say hacked? because mabye the passwords where not changed since he left and he just walked in. Either way these events show us , like cmac suggested, there need to be some changes in the security area of servers? because if cmac can do it so can others?

not saying that sios and others havent done a great job, which they have, but nobody is perfect, and shit happens, but it seems that the servers has been crashing for like a week, with no word from anyonenz(at least i havent noticed)

On a lighter note, i think some sort of legal action could and mabye should be taken towards cmac's actions. (if he hacked into the servers) It would be pretty easy to do:

1. he confessed to what he was doing, according to some of the other posts.
(the written word is a powerfull thing eh)
2. Hacking is illegal eh?
3) Im pretty sure sio and others have his privite info -credit-paypal-name-andothershit.

But then again that could be a little harsh. mabye we could send a virus to f up his puter
hmm no how about we send him jacks dick ina box! nvm he might like that
o wellz outa ideas,.

peace be with you


10-29-2009, 12:12 PM
rofl betts stay off the crack......you would spend more money bringing him to court then u would recieve

10-29-2009, 08:40 PM
rofl betts stay off the crack......you would spend more money bringing him to court then u would recieve

rofl baddie mabye theres crack in my weed! jk hmm idk

yea i know lulz it was kinda not serious but yea. puffpuffpass playa

10-29-2009, 09:12 PM
he might be the guy ping maxing the zm server all the time

10-29-2009, 10:22 PM
yeah the best part of cmac right down his dads leg so im really not surprised

10-30-2009, 03:09 AM
he has shown us that our servers can be hacked? i say hacked? because mabye the passwords where not changed since he left and he just walked in. Either way these events show us , like cmac suggested, there need to be some changes in the security area of servers? because if cmac can do it so can others?

ok lets clear this one up before people start thinking the wrong thing. he has not "hacked" the dedicated server nor will he be able to. he is using an exploit to drop the servers, becuase if he hacked the dedicated server things would be alot worse.

as for him exploiting the servers, there is one thing i cant lock down due to valves incompetence which is the xxxxx exploit (i could but then noone but myself would be able to remotely control the servers).

he has never had any type of access to the passwords (which changed not to long ago) unless one of the upper admin have given him the passwords.

just my input on what betts had to say

10-30-2009, 04:33 AM
betts is fail

10-30-2009, 08:40 AM
betts is fail

HEY BRAH was just what i though was going on,

u punk ass canadian jerk!!!! lul

10-30-2009, 10:21 AM
i'm not too sure how to spell it but isn't cmac de-dausing the servers to make it crash? or whatever.. like using an ip gen and overloading the servers with them till they crash.. idk..

10-30-2009, 10:36 AM
HEY BRAH was just what i though was going on,

u punk ass canadian jerk!!!! lul

Ahahahaha funny shit!


10-30-2009, 12:44 PM
ok lets clear this one up before people start thinking the wrong thing. he has not "hacked" the dedicated server nor will he be able to. he is using an exploit to drop the servers, becuase if he hacked the dedicated server things would be alot worse.

as for him exploiting the servers, there is one thing i cant lock down due to valves incompetence which is the xxxxx exploit (i could but then noone but myself would be able to remotely control the servers).

he has never had any type of access to the passwords (which changed not to long ago) unless one of the upper admin have given him the passwords.

just my input on what betts had to say

It's your favorite ex-NU player here... c м д c

Atleast sumone hit the nail on the head, the word "hack" gets tossed around too much eh?
I apologize for crashing the servers, i was a little ticked. Be mad at me if u wish but i wont be crashing them anymore, so chill.
