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View Full Version : Hi again

06-26-2008, 08:40 PM
hey guys, first off i'm gonna scrounge some money to pay for the last 2 months of admin dues i haven't paid. I sorta disappeared without even finishing up my admin dues or telling anyone goodbye. Sorry to pastiez, tara, sios, I should have said something but i didn't.

Update on me:

June 21st, 2008 I got married to my fiance of 1 1/2 years. We are now living with my dad until we get our finances in order and buy his house. (in about 3 weeks he should be moved out to our second house). I am going to the Mediterranean in 2 weeks for my honeymoon.

This summer and into the fall my friend and I will be starting a website building/consulting business which has already got a few customers (w00t). I get to handle the business/accounting end of it and help with some of the website building while he's gonna be dealing with the functionality and design of the websites.

This fall I'll be going BACK to college for a degree in Marketing and Business Management (two nights a week while I'm working at walgreens).

I got a promotion at work I am now SIMS Coordinator (Inventory Manager) and will soon become a regular manager (yay get to deal with customers again yuck).

Just got a new computer a beautiful quad core with 3 100GB hard drives in a RAID format (I LOVE IT).

Anyways sorry for the disappearance. I won't be on much still with the whole moving, honeymoon and paying for this house thing. But i'll try to pop in on the servers, and help donate whenever I can.

Love y'all

- Chris


06-26-2008, 09:31 PM
well its good to see your still alive fucknut. we understand alot of the things in real life get in the way sometimes and can deal with what you have going on right now. believe it or not we can be understanding.