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View Full Version : N00b Bashing

08-19-2009, 09:38 PM
ok, so it has come to my mind that our fellow players are making it to harsh for other players to play.
Yes, I know it's a little child-ish, but we need to learn how to get along with one another.
By talking trash to someone and making him/her Rage and Quit, you may find that funny, but in reality, you're just being a douche.
We here at N\U are a family. We all play together, Joke together, and get along together.
We need to treat others as you would your own family member.
We don't need to be losing our community members.
We should be gaining more and more as our respect for each other should too.
Try and keep your thoughts to yourself please, such as hatred pointed to single players.
By singling them out, their self of steam lowers, not everybody is the same, others take things to the heart.
But the more you bash on others, the more you hurt them.

my point is, you want to be that player that all the other players look up to, not a douche bag.
I understand most of our dis respective players are non regulars, but i want our fellow regs to give respect to our community.
and all who play here
Just try and enjoy the game and have fun!
that's what were here to do right?
if anything make friends not enemies
i appreciate to all who read and understand my meaning.
I hope you all have a fun time in the game such as in the forums.
Take it easy and have a great day ^^
