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View Full Version : n00bl3t

08-06-2009, 01:50 AM
Hey what's up n00b unlimited. Well my in game name is n00bl3t and I use to run and manage a community. It died sadly to say and well many friends from the community were talking about this one. I wanted to drop by and start fresh here and start from the bottom but hopefully work my way up.

[Name]: David

[Age]: 17

[IGN (In Game Name) ]: n00bl3t

[Which Server You Play On]: None Yet. Will be zombie/mini games

[Location]: California (USA)

[Occupation]: College right now...

[Ride]: Some car...

[Music]: Any.

[Short Description]: Here to have fun and help n00b unlimited continue to grow.

[Language(s) Spoken]: English

[Hobbies & Interests]: Baseball
I use to run and maintain a mini games server, death match servers, surf servers, jail break servers, hosties servers, hide and seek servers, bunny hop servers and zombie servers. So I can really help in that area if needed. I also noticed you guys do not have a Jail Break server and can really help if you guys ever get one or want one.

Well hope to see some replies and hope to start with n00b unlimited soon ^^

08-06-2009, 02:05 AM
welcome to NU! hopefully you enjoy it, there's lots of helpful people. if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask

08-06-2009, 02:09 AM
Hey n00bl3t! ^________^

I am glad you chose to stop by the forums and servers.
I am just curious. What is a jailbreak server? o___o

You should play in our other server too! There is a list of them at the top of the website.

The drop down tab that says "Game Servers"

I play in most of the servers! See you in game. :}

08-06-2009, 02:19 AM
welcome gangster

Mac Taylor
08-06-2009, 02:43 AM
a short description of jail break.

well the ct's get guns pistols awps, ak, m4 almost any weapon.

they get to order the T's around captured prisoners basicly. and the T's gotta be sneaky and try to knife the ct's and if they dont listen the the ct's rules the ct's can kill them.

its really fun to do.

normaly its like 1ct for every 3-4 t's

and y ai used to run my own jailbreak, surf, gg, and office/d2 severs/ community but we shut it down cause it was just 4 of us paying for all the servers lol

08-06-2009, 02:58 AM
Yup pretty much ^^

Yeah well again, if N/U ever wants or needs one, I can easily set one up and everything. Haha. Well, see you around shortly.

08-06-2009, 05:34 AM

08-06-2009, 07:50 AM
wolfeh asks because she thought she coul ddrop the soap and get pew pewd on.