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View Full Version : sorry guys

07-25-2009, 09:52 PM
well you either dont know me or remember me, ive been out for a LONG time without saying anything. my computers hard drive crashed about 8 months ago, and truthfully, i didnt do anything about it, and i also got Xbox LIVE a few months ago. i did get a new computer though, its graphics card is a peice of crap, but it does have 8 GBs of RAM. i did just recently re-install steam, CS:S, and all my other games, re-download all of my skins, and then some. so i might be on, but truthfully, im a prodigy in CoD:WaW, and Halo 3, so im either in some sort of tournament i dont wanna play, or waiting for one. ANYWAY, if you care/have Xbox LIVE, post your Xbox LIVE Gamertag and ill be sure add you. My Xbox LIVE Gamertag is: rhodeschild(No caps), and my steam id is also: rhodeschild(No caps).

See ya round

