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View Full Version : Xfactor gaming server rentals company is now showing its true colors

05-24-2009, 07:04 AM
this was brought to my attention via email by ottobohn while addressing a problem with the gameservice provider.

apparently derek over at xfactorgaming/xfactorservers took it upon himself to start n00bsalads old servers up with n00bsalads name on them advertising for his gaming community......... would this be a GSP that you would like to rent servers from? not me, not ever! (hence we run our own dedicated servers)

this was brought on becuase NS decided that the service with xfactorservers sucked ass and wanted better quality service. ottobohn was paid up through june 9th and was transferring the game servers over to the new box when his access was cut short by derek with the explaination of you didnt give 30 days notice...... i see no such stipulation in thier contracts prior to purchase as of the time of this post. and the comment in the email that derek is being charged for lack of 30 day notice is BULLSHIT to say the least. we (n00bunlimited) rent servers from colocations such as where derek rents his and there is no such thing as having to give them notice on dropping a server.

I for one think that the actions of xfactorservers (derek the GSP and owner of xfactorgaming) are childish and dishonorable. i will be posting the information provided to me at all the big webhosting sites and letting people know that the dedicated hosting company (ubiquityservers.com) and the game service provder (XFactorServers.com) provide terrible service and are unethical when it comes to dealing with thier customers.

xfactorservers ->sexy giving thier best service to thier customers

Dedicated server operator/Admin and n00bunlimited owner

05-24-2009, 11:02 AM
just shows, how childish people can be.

05-24-2009, 05:50 PM
Just shows how awesome we are.

05-27-2009, 06:04 PM
I moved this thread to admin chat to finish deal with Derek D. He took down old servers and no more dealing with him.

Great job and thanks for all the support. This public post forced his hand into our favor.


05-27-2009, 06:06 PM
no problem
this thread moved back into public eyes dues to a falsified conversation derek posted on gsptruth.com. i have never chatted with the prick but he is determined to use me as a way out of the hole he dug for himself.

well seeing as GSPtruth is asking for screenshots of the emails im going to upload some and then upload screenshots of the n00bsalad private conversation on this matter.

below are the emails:


this is the response from dereks hosting company:

otto and myself deal with things like this in mature ways when possible. but when someone only knows unethical values then sometime you have to stoop to thier level to make sense.


05-28-2009, 05:36 PM

i really like how auto bohn was very mature and business like in this matter it really shows who the bigger man really is

and i agree with him canceling his contract and moving servers because of the non- communication issue he had and derrick should have upheld his part of the contract and not hijacked the server shut it down and keep files hostage just because he didn't like it he was losing his business with noodsalad

point blank grow up derrick and be a man ya made your bed now sleep in it

thats all

05-28-2009, 06:16 PM
Otto's a cool guy. Xfactor? I've never even heard of these guys.

05-28-2009, 09:37 PM
He'll have a hell of a fun time dealing with legal shit (Derek that is). Guys a complete moron.

05-29-2009, 10:53 PM
As far as I know if he was in a binding contract and paid through the end of the contract, when it is to be "renewed" he can not do anything. It's just stupid fo him to try and fuck NS, they are a huge community, not to mention friends with sios :).

06-07-2009, 10:04 PM
Hate childish people... %%##d

06-17-2009, 09:32 PM
well i guess owning a GSP is too hard to handle for some people:


06-21-2009, 08:52 PM
well derek decided to contact me and this is the conversation verbatum:

[21:37] Derek: You immaturity level is pretty low mate.
[21:37] Derek: You know anything you say or try to do to tranish my company will not work. We have plenty of happy clients and people will not take your word with a grain of salt.
[21:39] siosios: my grain of salt is pretty big considering who i know in the gaming industry my friend. but its ok just go ahead and live in your little bubble.
[21:39] Derek: Yes my bubble ?
[21:40] Derek: We have been around for almost year and half, do you really think what you are doing is going to affect me ?
[21:40] Derek: All you are doing is making yourself look immature.
[21:40] Derek: Shit happens in life, just get over it. In no way I "stole" money.
[21:40] Derek: It was a simply a mistake on noob salads part which I agreed to work out with them but they refused toi.
[21:40] siosios: then why bother trying to convince me then
[21:40] siosios: ?
[21:41] Derek: Why not ?
[21:42] siosios: well my putting out the truth of the matter seems to bother you other wise you would not have wasted your time contacting me directly
[21:43] Derek: Doesnt bother me at all, just was viewing my xfire thought I shoot you a pm.
[21:43] Derek: Im not the one wasting time posting on forums that mean nothing to me.
[21:43] Derek: Where I could be working to make my community better.
[21:43] Derek: Thats my point of view.
[21:44] Derek: I was gladly willing to work it out with noobsalad which they refused to do so. So at this point anything I say or do is moot anyways
[21:44] siosios: oh but you see my time isnt wasted when it betters all communities by seeing the truth about things that matter when renting servers
[21:45] Derek: How does it better communites? because you are posting on gsptruth a site that has no traffic
[21:45] Derek: and noobsalad and your site and wht that means next to nothing to me?
[21:45] Derek: Companies on wht have negative removes made about them daily and weekly
[21:45] Derek: reviews*
[21:45] Derek: yet this is the first one in 14 months we have been around.
[21:46] Derek: If someone wants to buy from us they will buy from us.
[21:46] Derek: Anyhow, I hope you enjoy yourself and happy fathers day.
[21:46] siosios: well just becuase you dont believe they get traffic means nothing. im sure they get enough to have people spread the info via word of mouth.
[21:47] siosios: hapy father day to you too, if your old enough that is
[21:47] Derek: I'm 20 but thanks
[21:47] Derek: Just shows how immature you are with your insults
[21:47] Derek: I have yet to insult you guys once yet you are attacking me on the internet with your insults.
[21:47] Derek: Just really shows your maturity level.
[21:48] siosios: you sir fabricated a conversation with me and that i do take personally
[21:49] Derek: Fabircated ?
[21:49] Derek: Sorry mate I am real.
[21:49] Derek: nor do I fabircate anything.
[21:49] siosios: so the truth will be put forth be it on just my site or any that i have the rights to post on
[21:49] Derek: Great!
[21:49] Derek: Hope you have fun
[21:49] siosios: i will
[21:50] siosios: see ya

just goes to show he is trying to convince me the truth doesnt float even on my own website to which i toss out a hardy ROFL


06-22-2009, 08:15 AM
his story isn't straight for shit, not to mention he is 20 years old and obviously has no idea on how to run servers. he said he didn't insult NU or NS yet
[21:40] Derek: All you are doing is making yourself look immature.
[21:45] Derek: Companies on wht have negative removes made about them daily and weekly
i would destroy this guy

06-22-2009, 04:28 PM
you want me to cut him sio?!

06-25-2009, 10:18 PM
I got an email with this one. hahaha



06-27-2009, 06:27 AM
wtf he looks like hes 16

08-11-2009, 06:27 PM
well n00bsalad got half thier money back, but the request by otto to remove my posts is going to be ignored due to this GSP'S ignorance and blatent stupidity towards its customers!

08-11-2009, 08:26 PM
Im lolin' :s

08-12-2009, 01:53 PM
Well, in the dealings, Otto only said He would remove HIS posts... not everyone elses.
Leave em up Siosios. Ol' doubleD is a fag, the world knows it, and its in nobody's interest to take down truths. However, if removing a few gets us our money back, so we can apply that to the next server charge, all for the better.

Again, I say leave em up, they are good bargaining chips.

04-06-2010, 03:59 PM
ok so all was quiet around this dumbass's company name for a while until another scammed community posted over at n00bsalad

qouted from sullivin261


I have recently come across n00bSalad and their experience with Xfactorservers, and being scammed. I recently purchased a dedicated server but it was not what was described on the website or order form.

I purchased a Quad Core, 4GB RAM, 250GB hard drive dedicated server. It was supposed to take 24 hours to set up, and 4 days later they set me up with a Dual Core 2GB RAM 160GB hard drive. I email them up saying, upgrade me or give me a 100% refund.

So, they send me $20 and they say that will cover the cost of the Quad Core being demoted to a Dual Core. (I don't see how that can be justified). They also say "Why do you need 250GB hard drive, you won't even fill it up". I tell them, "why does it matter if I use all of the 250GB's or not?, I am paying for 250GB, so I expect to get what I pay for". They are yet to upgrade the RAM or hard drive space.

Does anyone have any tips as to what I can do to get these idiots out of business?

ive got to say some retards dont learn the first time!