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View Full Version : goodbye n/u forever

04-04-2009, 09:51 AM
hey guys

i am truly sorry to do this but i am gonna have to say goodbye for good

i am either going to have to sell my comp or move back in with my mother or worse go to a shelter or both i am not sure yet

i am over a month behind on my rent my phone is turned off i have no gas in my car and my tires are in bad shape

and to top things off i was in the vocational program over a year till the beginning of February and my time was up at the worst passable time of the year and and also for the economy i had 3 jobs since all that lasted a week or two and they too laid off

i have sold everything i own but my comp done day labor and everything else stay to stay afloat to no avail and for over a month i have been eating very little if anything at all been living on the generosity of others and pinto beans and roman noodles

i don't know what to do or where to go i am at a dead end and depressive and isolated myself beyond belief my nerves are shot and i am almost giving up on life in general

and what really sucks is i have very little family to fall back on most don't care to much about my survival

too be honest and a select few ppl already know this but i am the kind of person that has built a enormous wall around myself and my heart i do crazy shit and say funny shit to be happy go luckie cause if i don't than i crumble into a thousand peices and all my hurt and suffering pours out

i love all of ya'll more than ya'll will ever know and i will miss all of ya'll terably
and a few of ya'll have been ther for me no matter what
namely X-Storm, Natalya, Random, Dot, Jack'd, Enderless, Fishing in Gerogia, Unreal Taco, and Penator

i would have to say that X-Storm, Dot, Natalya and Jack understand me better than most and i would consider my closest friends and i would take the shirt off my back or die for any of them ya'll have no idea how much letting me talk to ya'll when i was down has helped me

ya'll will never know what kind of true freinds ya'll have been for me ya'll are a very rare and special breed of people

i wrte this with my eyes soaked with tears and a broken heart !!~ki!!~ki!!~ki

i wiil miss all of ya'll and please pray for me


04-04-2009, 10:21 AM

Kamikaze I'm gonna miss you. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you recently, I've been killed with work and school, but you were one of the best we had on the server and I enjoyed talking to you whenever I could afford the time to be online. I hope things get better for you. :[

04-04-2009, 10:44 AM

i really wish u the best of luck irl i hope u can get back up again.
Although i didnt really got to know u i really started like u from the posts that u made on the forum. Its a shame that a good person like u has to leave.
I hope u will be back one day in the near future so i can get to know u a lot better.

Take care and goodluck.



04-04-2009, 12:02 PM
I hate what ur going through kami, take care man and come back as soon as you can

04-04-2009, 12:15 PM
I'm so sorry Kami.
This honestly breaks my heart to hear shit like this can happen to a great person like you :/
You don't even need to thank me man, I known you a looong time and it's no problem.
You will be missed, as Nat said.
Also good luck on making your re-up.
If you ever get back you know we'll be here with open arms.


04-04-2009, 02:10 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your hard times Kami!

Keep your chin up, you will land on your feet again!

Don't say goodbye forever because I know you will be back. You can't stay away!!!

You will be missed!!!

You better stop by every once in awhile from like library or something and drop us a line and let us know how you are doing. I mean it!! You FUCKING better!!

Take care of yourself!

04-04-2009, 02:45 PM
man Kami sorry to hear that things got so bad bud....hopefully things will get better soon man just try to keep your head up and hope that tomorrow has something better in store. we'll all miss ya take care and come when ya can bud.

04-04-2009, 03:58 PM
Wow... this is makes me so sad yo hear, I really do hope you get back up on your feet at sometimes and return to us.

Hope everything turns out the best for you mate, take care out there.

04-04-2009, 04:26 PM
Well, if it's any consolation, you're not the only one. There are a lot of ppl out there right now that are going thru hard times. Hang in there bud and try to stop by every once in a while. :)

04-04-2009, 08:12 PM
i wish you the best of luck kami, you are in my prayers and i wish you the best of luck and hope that everything turns to the better for you. sorry that i didn't get to know you that much. but being a part of this family, you better believe that you will be missed very much. Good Luck sugar.
Love Mama Ice (Brie)

04-04-2009, 11:39 PM
Sorry Kami.

Take care and check in when you can please. Wish i could of told you bye in vent or gamed a little more with ya. You're a good time and a great admin, Things will get better they always do, Until then...... Survive !

04-05-2009, 01:26 AM
You can never say forever. Forever is a long time.

Good luck.

04-05-2009, 07:12 AM
i didnt know you that well at all and i can say we never had the chance but when i came in here there was allways something in the chat box that made me laugh really herd your a funny guy and i hope everything works out with you and if needed if theres anything we can do to help you just ask im shore we will help in some way or another and if theres anything you need just ask man in here and i will help you out the best i can

my prayers and love