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02-27-2009, 04:33 PM
1. You're Blazing Hot in Bed A recent study found that you (er, scientists, at least) can infer a woman's potential for vaginal orgasms by the way she walks. It sounds crazy, but according to the research-published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, a woman with an energetic, fluid stride climaxes more often than someone with a shorter stride. (This gives new meaning to the phrase "pep in your step"!)

2. You're Knock-Upabble According to a study published in the "Archives of Sexual Medicine" that used motion-capture technology, women walk slightly differently when they're ovulating. Researchers then showed men clips of women walking and had them rate their attractiveness, and found that men were actually more attracted to the women who weren't in their fertile phase.

3. You're Innocent (Ha!) When you hold your hands together in front of you, creating a V-shape, you come across as open and slightly innocent. You'll draw people to you with this inviting stance and some may even feel protective of you.

4. You're in Charge Got a long stride and eyes that stay focused on your destination? No one will mistake you as a wallflower with this walk. Here, you are broadcasting that you know where you're going, like things your way, and have confidence to spare.
JERKING OFF (http://www.fucktube.com/video/46583/jerking-off-his-cock-while-his-girl-teases-his-balls-then-takes-his-load)

02-27-2009, 04:57 PM

02-27-2009, 05:13 PM
zaku all this is true i watch the discovery channel all the time and they did a show bout this bout 2 weeks ago talking bout sexes and what turns us on or off about the opposite sex
and the facial aliment and geometry in faces and the way we walk

but ya its true

also said that women that are ovulating there faces seem to glow red

02-27-2009, 05:24 PM
Dot glows red on the inside O_O

02-27-2009, 05:27 PM
me i green n red n yellow n brown on the inside cuz me is a taco

02-27-2009, 06:26 PM
lol um OK dot and taco but this is a proven fact

oh ya and the also prove that women swing there hips and men move or swing there shoulders more when there on the hunt

and women walk differently when there ovulating too

btw ya'll didn't realize kami was this smart did ya'll??
I watch alot of the history channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning channel,Animal Planet, A&E for it's biography on people and like the first 48hours and American Justice and i watch BRAVO TV for Top Chief (Hosea won yesterday WOOT WOOT) Project Runway,Make Me A Supermodel, Top Design, Inside the Actors Studio, and The Millionaire Matchmaker

( an no i AM NOT GAY )

02-27-2009, 06:33 PM
They were talking about this on tv. D=

02-27-2009, 08:44 PM
( an no i AM NOT GAY )

Lies D=

02-28-2009, 04:13 AM
i only watch discovery channel history channel and food network me is smart (i actually am though)to but i missed that episode of w/e the hell it was o.o
and kami why do u lie so much

02-28-2009, 08:37 AM
no lie i really do watch all those shows

02-28-2009, 05:18 PM
gay.... *cough* (make me a supermodel) *cough*
Ipad cases (http://accesoriesipad.com/)

03-02-2009, 12:31 PM
Oh dear god!? ^_^