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View Full Version : Team Fortress 2 Update Released

09-12-2014, 01:27 AM
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

Added taunts to the items that can be uploaded to the Steam Workshop
Added new "Taunt" and "Halloween" tags to the Steam Workshop

Previous entries marked with the "Halloween 2013" tag will automatically be updated to use the new tag in the coming days

Added tournament medals for the ETF2L and RETF2 EE22
Client/server performance improvements
Improved client memory usage by updating weapon models to only be loaded on demand
Improved edict usage on servers to help eliminate "out of edicts" errors during round restarts
Fixed a server crash caused by using the "map" command in the console while the server is running
Fixed a client crash when switching between windowed-mode and fullscreen for Mac OS X and Linux clients
Re-enabled HTML MOTD support for Mac OS X and Linux clients
Extended the server's "status" command to display edict usage and player/bot counts

status output also includes basic class stats...not fully implemented yet

Fixed custom content not being shown while watching .dem files that were recorded on servers running with sv_pure
Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates via telefrag by switching to Spectator
Fixed bad LODs for The Angel of Death coat for the Medic
Fixed push triggers applying push values twice when lag compensation is being done
Fixed a Hammer crash related to changing entity types for an existing entity
Fixed Strange flamethrowers not getting kill credit for deflected projectiles
Fixed mini-crit and taunt-invite icons being orphaned in the world
Fixed the Festive Force-a-Nature using the wrong taunt animation
Fixed the difficulty value not displaying correctly in the Mann vs. Machine scoreboard
Fixed Mann vs. Machine bots floating in the air when they die from an explosion
Fixed the Pyro's clap sounds clipping the voice lines during the Party Trick taunt
Fixed the Short Circuit creating its firing effects when being deployed
Fixed Mini-Sentry collision hull and hitbox being scaled smaller than they should be
The Frying Pan can now accept Kills While Explosive Jumping strange parts
Updated the equip_region for the Mining Light and Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe
Updated the materials for the Apparition's Aspect and made it paintable
Updated the Eternaween vote so it cannot be initiated by clients without using the Eternaween
Updated the localization files
Updated pl_cactuscanyon

Completed permanent removal of previous stage 2 from the map
Removed the rollback hill in stage 2, and adjusted neighboring u-turn
Adjusted the right-hand spawn exit for Blu in stage 2
Reworked Sniper window above underpass in stage 2
Adjusted spawn times in stage 2
Added flatcars to the train in stage 2
Blu side path from cart spawn to underpass is now a drop-down in stage 2
Widened a doorway along the cart-path in stage 2

Updated rd_asteroid

Removed spawn advantage for attackers that die in the enemy base
Moved health and ammo above the front door stairs further into the base
Increased bot count. Summed total health and points in each section remains the same.
Power core pickups now give health and ammo to the collector
Removed small health kit above cave exit
Added medium ammo kit in the caves near the medium health kit

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/14353/)