View Full Version : N/U Info

  1. Dust 2 changes
  2. Changes on dust2 server
  3. All servers are being upgraded to all the latest plugins and mods.
  4. N/U now has a pastebin of its own
  5. The gathering of how-to's and performance tweaks for users and servers
  6. CGS Live! - Episode #103
  7. IRC Chat Up!
  8. New web site menu
  9. Loopygirl... i mean man
  10. Xfactor gaming server rentals company is now showing its true colors
  11. Way to go N/U
  12. We are looking for you
  13. Donations
  14. Cs:s Movie Demo-Call.
  15. Exciting News This Week
  16. The Xtreme Professional League is Hiring Ant-Cheat Staff
  17. N/U hosting its own hlstats now!
  18. Vent server changes by da man
  19. N/U unvails its new GUI for your gaming pleasure
  20. Important Community Meeting This Weekend.
  21. Job Openings in N/U
  22. N/U needs help setting up training
  23. N/U's New In Game Banner
  24. N/U is boss.
  25. N/U Dust 2 Monthly Contest
  26. stats will be down for a few hours
  27. Nu Header logo
  28. GFX CONTEST (fbg/kac)
  29. Server upgrade coming tonight!!
  30. Account phishing
  31. .com here we come!
  32. Nasty Virus!!
  33. WEEK 6: Team Steve McGill vs. word ( TsM vs. w | )
  34. WEEK 5: (w | vs. TsM) word vs. Team Steve McGill
  35. WEEK 7 - FLAMINGRAINBOWS vs. word
  36. TeamSpeak 3
  37. WEEK 8 - word vs. Mediocrity!
  38. office unlimited contest
  39. If you dont like the new steam update!
  40. Servers back to 100 tick!
  41. servers updated!
  42. Rape In Public 3 (the one everyone has been waiting for)
  43. Starcraft 2 player
  44. Skinnymans steam was hacked
  45. It's a GIRL
  46. New Server IP's
  47. Teamspeak server
  48. N|U Black Ops Server!
  49. Zombie Mod is Back!!
  50. N/U gets its own BFBC2 server
  51. Dead?
  52. menu change
  53. Our Forum now uses ForumRunner.
  54. We have downgraded our services to allow for a drop in members
  55. Merry christmas
  56. Thank you for your doantions this month
  57. every night
  58. We will be removing non active VIP and Admins
  59. Modified the steam id converter
  60. Some Changes Have Been Made
  61. Long over due Updates
  62. New pastebin
  63. SteamID Converter
  64. Alpha one servers
  65. Down time
  66. Updated and fixed some issues